Capturing Fundamental Change

Information Statement on our Policy on the Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts of Investment Decisions on Sustainability Factors

Sustainable Finance Transparency

The European Union has introduced a series of legal measures requiring firms that manage investment funds to provide transparency on how they integrate sustainability considerations into the investment process with respect to the investment funds they manage.

Our Approach to Sustainable Investment

At Volt, we believe that investors, and asset managers that invest on their behalf, have a responsibility to make their investments in a way that effectively supports a sustainable society.

At the core of our commitment to help our clients achieve their financial objectives is a conviction that this can be achieved by investing responsibly.

No Consideration of Principal Adverse Impacts of Investment Decisions on Sustainability Factors

We do not consider the adverse impacts of its investment decisions on sustainability factors for the purposes of Article 4 of SFDR. Volt seeks to understand the environmental and social policies and outcomes of its investments where relevant information is available. However, there is a lack of readily available data to comply with the reporting requirements deriving from Article 4 of SFDR, as issuers and market data providers are not yet ready to make available all necessary data required for us to undertake a meaningful comprehensive assessment of the adverse impacts of our investments on specific environmental, social and other non-financial factors.

We will continue to review the developments in the market and the availability of information and tools to assess the viability of more broadly considering the impact of investment decisions on sustainability factors.